Deploy with Heroku¶
Deploying an RSSerpent instance on Heroku is easy & free! You will need a GitHub and a Heroku account before proceeding.
Use the Template¶
Go to the RSSerpent Heroku deployment template, then click the button. You will be prompted to create a repository based on the template.
Running π¶
After successful creation, in your generated repository, click the button. You will be redirected to Heroku and then be prompted to fill in you Heroku app name. Wait for minutes and your RSSerpent instance will be up & running!
After successful deployment, you can open you RSSerpent instance in the browser by clicking the Open app button at the right top corner of the page. If you see the "Welcome to RSSerpent!" message, congratulations, you are good to go!
If you wish to add RSSerpent plugins, read [Install Plugins].
If you need a custom domain, read Heroku's document.